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为 React Router做出贡献




在为代码库做出贡献之前,您需要 fork 代码库。根据您的贡献类型,这一点会有所不同:

  • 所有新功能、错误修复或任何涉及 react-router 代码的内容都应从 dev 分支中分离出来,并合并到 dev 分支中。
  • 只涉及文档的改动可以从 main 分支出来,合并到 main 分支中。


  1. Fork这个repo(点击本页面右上角的Fork按钮)
  2. 克隆您的分支到本地
# in a terminal, cd to parent directory where you want your clone to be, then
git clone<your_github_username>/react-router.git
cd react-router

# if you are making *any* code changes, make sure to checkout the dev branch
git checkout dev
# in a terminal, cd to parent directory where you want your clone to be, then
git clone<your_github_username>/react-router.git
cd react-router

# if you are making *any* code changes, make sure to checkout the dev branch
git checkout dev
  1. 安装依赖项并构建。React Router 使用yarn(版本1),所以你也应该这样做。如果使用 npm 安装,则会生成不必要的 package-lock.json 文件。


请遵守问题模板,并通过代码示例提供明确的重现路径。最好是带有失败测试的pull请求。其次是 CodeSandbox 或说明错误的版本库链接。



提出新的或更改后的 API?

请提供深思熟虑的评论和一些示例代码,说明您想在应用程序中使用 React Router 做什么。如果您能在得出需要更改和/或添加什么的结论之前,先向我们展示您是如何受限于当前的 API 的,这将有助于对话的进行。

我们的经验告诉我们,小的应用程序接口通常更好,因此我们可能不太愿意添加新内容,除非当前的应用程序接口存在明显的限制。尽管如此,我们还是非常希望听到一些我们以前没有考虑过的情况,所以请不要害羞! 😃


如果你需要修复一个错误,但没有人在修复它,你最好的办法就是提供一个修复程序,并提出pull 请求。开放源代码属于我们所有人,推动它向前发展是我们所有人的责任。

发起Pull 请求?

pull请求只需得到两个或两个以上合作者的批准即可合并;当 PR 作者是合作者时,也算一个合作者。


在 GitHub 创建 PR 时,请确保将基本分支设置为正确的分支。如果您提交的 PR 涉及到任何代码,那么它应该是 dev 分支。在 GitHub 上创建 PR 时,可通过 "比较更改 "标题下的下拉菜单来设置基准分支:img





所有更改或添加 API 的提交都必须在拉取请求中完成,同时更新所有相关示例和文档。



React Router 使用 monorepo 来托管多个软件包的代码。这些软件包位于 packages 目录中。

我们使用 Yarn 工作区来管理依赖项的安装和各种脚本的运行。要安装所有脚本,请确保已安装Yarn(版本1),然后从 repo 根目录运行 yarnyarn install


从根目录调用 yarn build 将运行编译,整个过程只需几秒钟。由于 react-router-domreact-router-native 都使用 react-router 作为依赖关系,因此必须一起构建所有软件包。


在运行测试之前,您需要运行构建。构建后,从根目录运行 yarn test 将运行每个软件包的测试。如果要运行特定软件包的测试,请使用 yarn test --projects packages/<package-name>

# Test all packages
yarn test

# Test only react-router-dom
yarn test --projects packages/react-router-dom
# Test all packages
yarn test

# Test only react-router-dom
yarn test --projects packages/react-router-dom


该 repo 为不同的目的维护不同的分支。它们看起来是这样的:

- main   > the most recent release and current docs
- dev    > code under active development between stable releases
- v5     > the most recent code for a specific major release
- main   > the most recent release and current docs
- dev    > code under active development between stable releases
- v5     > the most recent code for a specific major release





我们根据 dev 分支的当前状态创建实验版本。您可以使用 @next 标签安装它们:

yarn add react-router-dom@next
# or
npm install react-router-dom@next
yarn add react-router-dom@next
# or
npm install react-router-dom@next

当 PR 合并到 dev 分支时,这些版本将自动发布。


# Start from the dev branch.
git checkout dev

# Merge the main branch into dev to ensure that any hotfixes and
# docs updates are available in the release.
git merge main

# Create a new release branch from dev.
git checkout -b release/v6.1.0

# Create a new tag and update version references throughout the
# codebase.
yarn run version minor # | "patch" | "major"

# Push the release branch along with the new release tag.
git push origin release/v6.1.0 --follow-tags

# Wait for GitHub actions to run all tests. If the tests pass, the
# release is ready to go! Merge the release branch into main and dev.
git checkout main
git merge release/v6.1.0
git checkout dev
git merge release/v6.1.0

# The release branch can now be deleted.
git branch -D release/v6.1.0
git push origin --delete release/v6.1.0

# Now go to GitHub and create the release from the new tag. Let
# GitHub Actions take care of the rest!
# Start from the dev branch.
git checkout dev

# Merge the main branch into dev to ensure that any hotfixes and
# docs updates are available in the release.
git merge main

# Create a new release branch from dev.
git checkout -b release/v6.1.0

# Create a new tag and update version references throughout the
# codebase.
yarn run version minor # | "patch" | "major"

# Push the release branch along with the new release tag.
git push origin release/v6.1.0 --follow-tags

# Wait for GitHub actions to run all tests. If the tests pass, the
# release is ready to go! Merge the release branch into main and dev.
git checkout main
git merge release/v6.1.0
git checkout dev
git merge release/v6.1.0

# The release branch can now be deleted.
git branch -D release/v6.1.0
git push origin --delete release/v6.1.0

# Now go to GitHub and create the release from the new tag. Let
# GitHub Actions take care of the rest!


有时,我们会遇到需要立即修补的关键错误。如果错误影响到最新版本,我们可以直接从 main (或存在错误的相关主要版本分支)创建一个新版本:

# From the main branch, make sure to run the build and all tests
# before creating a new release.
yarn && yarn build && yarn test

# Assuming the tests pass, create the release tag and update
# version references throughout the codebase.
yarn run version patch

# Push changes along with the new release tag.
git push origin main --follow-tags

# In GitHub, create the release from the new tag and it will be
# published via GitHub actions

# When the hot-fix is done, merge the changes into dev and clean
# up conflicts as needed.
git checkout dev
git merge main
git push origin dev
# From the main branch, make sure to run the build and all tests
# before creating a new release.
yarn && yarn build && yarn test

# Assuming the tests pass, create the release tag and update
# version references throughout the codebase.
yarn run version patch

# Push changes along with the new release tag.
git push origin main --follow-tags

# In GitHub, create the release from the new tag and it will be
# published via GitHub actions

# When the hot-fix is done, merge the changes into dev and clean
# up conflicts as needed.
git checkout dev
git merge main
git push origin dev